Public Relation and
Media Relation

Our professionals focus on effective PR planning through creating and spreading information to gain public awareness for a product, person, service, cause or organization. We use technology as the main tool to get the messages to target audiences.

With the creation of social networks, blogs, internet and radio, our PR professionals are able to send direct messages that attract the target audiences. Methods used to find out what is appealing to target audiences include the use of surveys, conducting research or even focus groups.

We create brochure and make awareness blogs and do press releases. We also make kits for the company and create online advertisement campaigns through various advertisement portals viz; Google, Yahoo etc.

We strategically create integrate and align messaging with other branding efforts and with overall company's objectives.

Our constant networking with the reporters and the owners of the media (print, electronic, OOH, internet) ensures meaningful placements in features and news reports in relevant publications and
with relevant broadcasters.